Wednesday 24 August 2016


Q: zombies process in Linux?

A:  As the name suggests, such processes are defunct but are somehow still alive. In reality, they are dead because their resources (RAM, connections to peripherals, etc.) have already been released so that they cannot and never will run again.

The reason lies in the process creation and destruction structure under Unix. A program terminates when two events occur — first, the program must be killed by another process or by a user (this is usually done by sending a SIGTERM or SIGKILL signal, which is equivalent to terminating the process regularly); second, the parent process from which the process originates must invoke or have already invoked the wait4 (read: wait for) system call when the child process terminates.

This confirms to the kernel that the parent process has acknowledged the death of the child. The system

call enables the kernel to free resources reserved by the child process.

A zombie occurs when only the first condition (the program is terminated) applies but not the second

(wait4). A process always switches briefly to the zombie state between termination and removal of its data from the process table. In some cases (if, e.g., the parent process is badly programmed and does not issue a wait call), a zombie can firmly lodge itself in the process table and remain there until the next reboot. This can be seen by reading the output of process tools such as ps or top. This is hardly a problem as the residual data take up little space in the kernel.

Q: System Call with Interrrupt?

If the system is in kernel mode and is processing a system call, no other process in the system is able to cause withdrawal of CPU time. The scheduler is forced to wait until execution of the system call has terminated before it can select another process. However, the system call can be suspended by an interrupt.
Interrupts can suspend processes in user mode and in kernel mode. They have the highest priority because it is essential to handle them as soon as possible after they are issued.

Q: Per-CPU Variables

A particularity that does not occur in normal userspace programming is per-CPU variables. They are declared with DEFINE_PER_CPU(name, type), where name is the variable name and type is the data type (e.g., int[3], struct hash, etc.). On single-processor systems, this is not different from regular variable declaration. On SMP systems with several CPUs, an instance of the variable is created for each CPU.
The instance for a particular CPU is selected with get_cpu(name, cpu), where smp_processor_id(), which returns the identifier of the active processor, is usually used as the argument for cpu.

Q: How Interrupts handled between CPUs?

Interrupts are generally shared evenly between CPUs.
Whenever a CPU receives an interrupt notification, it invokes the handler associated with that interrupt, which is identified by a number. During the handler's execution in which the kernel code is said to be in interrupt context interrupts are disabled for the CPU serving the interrupt. This means that if a CPU is busy serving one interrupt, it cannot receive other interrupts, whether of the same type or of different types.
Nor can the CPU execute any other process: it belongs totally to the interrupt handler and cannot be preempted.
In short, interrupt handlers are nonpreemptible and non-reentrant

Therefore, the work done by interrupt handlers should be as quick as possible. The amount of processing needed by the interrupt handlers during interrupt context depends on the type of event. A keyboard, for instance, may simply send an interrupt every time a key is pressed, which requires very little effort to be handled: the handler simply needs to store the code of the key somewhere, and run a few times per second at most.

Q: Bottom Half Hanlder in Interrupt?

Even if the action triggered by an interrupt needs a lot of CPU time, most of this action can usually wait. Interrupts are allowed to preempt the CPU in the first place because if the operating system makes the hardware wait too long, it may lose data.
One can define a bottom half as an asynchronous request to execute a particular function. Normally, when you want to execute a function, you do not have to request anything you simply invoke it.

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