Kernel Panic
panic is
an unrecoverable system error detected by the kernel as opposed to
similar errors detected by user space code. It is possible for kernel
code to indicate such a condition by calling the panic
major and minor number to device1)statically:register_chrdev_region(dev_t first, unsigned int count,char *name); it is a kernel call it is responsible for allocating device number statically.
-it accept three arguments 1.device number.
value it is your driver supported to number of devices.
2)dynamically:alloc_chrdev_region(); it is responsible for allocating
2)dynamically:alloc_chrdev_region(); it is responsible for allocating
number dynamically,means this call says to kernel to allocate freelly available major number.
can access the user space memory, Why should copy_from_user is
copy_from_user() is usually used when writing certain device drivers. Note that there is no "mapping" of bytes here, the only thing that is happening is the copying of bytes from a certain virtual location mapped in user-space to bytes in a location in kernel-space. This is done to enforce separation of kernel and user and to prevent any security flaws -- you never want the kernel to start accessing and reading arbitrary user memory locations or vice-versa.
RTOS Criteria:
copy_from_user() is usually used when writing certain device drivers. Note that there is no "mapping" of bytes here, the only thing that is happening is the copying of bytes from a certain virtual location mapped in user-space to bytes in a location in kernel-space. This is done to enforce separation of kernel and user and to prevent any security flaws -- you never want the kernel to start accessing and reading arbitrary user memory locations or vice-versa.
RTOS Criteria:
The following are the parameters that
make RTOS to deviate from the schedule
Switching time
time is the time taken by the scheduler to execute the next process
in the scheduling queue. Context switching may occur due to timeout
occurs if Round Robin scheduling, higher priority process comes, and
if interrupt comes from the hardware.
latency, it’s the time between the when hardware generate an
interrupt and corresponding hardware interrupt handler first line
gets executed. So operating system itself takes some time to identify
from which device the interrupt has come, and call the registered
interrupt handler for the hardware.
spinlock is a mutual exclusion device that can have only two values:
"locked" and "unlocked."Any time kernel code
holds a spinlock, preemption is disabled on the relevant processor.
Even uni-processor systems must disable preemption in this way to
avoid race conditions.
types of device driver?
* Character device driver
* Character device driver
device drivers usually deals with read/write byte on device. For
example keyboard or mouse drivers
Block device driver
static const struct file_operations sample_fops = {
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.unlocked_ioctl = sample_ioctl,
.open = sample_open,
.release = sample_close
and un-register device driver
Linux kernel provides APIs for register and un register of your
major =
(0, "samplechar", &sample_fops);
first argument as 0 allows the kernel to allocate a major number
which is available.
argument represents the driver name which is displayed in
Third argument is the pointer to file_operations structure which we filled earlier.
Third argument is the pointer to file_operations structure which we filled earlier.
un register operation is done at clean up function.
unregister_chrdev(major, "samplechar");
is very important function in device driver.
commands specific to devices are issued to driver through ioctls.
From user space, the command is received at ioctl() and the
corresponding action will be taken by driver.
on the ioctl command from user space, driver performs operations and
returns results to user space if necessary.
The functions copy_to_user()
and copy_from_user() is responsible for copying the information
to/from user space.
compiling the driver, insert in to the kernel. After that that driver
need to be create by mknod.
Device files
are kept in /dev, and unlike normal files, these are files the kernel
knows about, and reads/writes to.
follows the syntax.
mknod device-name device-type major-number minor-number
/dev/random c 1 8
the character
device /dev/random
and has it point to major number 1, minor number 8.
for drivers in user space
driver developers will hide the complexity of opening device file,
remembering the ioctl commands. If the application is developed by
third party, it is better to write a wrapper which exposes only
The wrapper is written as shared library(.so) which takes care of handling driver related stuff and exposes only functionality.
The wrapper is written as shared library(.so) which takes care of handling driver related stuff and exposes only functionality.
program for Char Device Driver below
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