Saturday 8 July 2017

cloud computing

Cloud Computing can be defined as delivering computing power( CPU, RAM, Network Speeds, Storage OS software) a service over a network (usually on the internet) rather than physically having the computing resources at the customer location.

 Why the Name Cloud?

The term “Cloud” came from a network design that was used by network engineers to represent the location of various network devices and there inter-connection.  The shape of this network design was like a cloud.

Why Cloud Computing?

With increase in computer and Mobile user’s, data storage has become a priority in all fields. Large and small scale businesses today thrive on their data & they spent a huge amount of money to maintain this data. It requires a strong IT support and a storage hub.

What are the advantages of using cloud computing?
The advantages of using cloud computing are
a)      Data backup and storage of data
b)      Powerful server capabilities
c)       Cost effective & Time saving
Mention platforms which are used for large scale cloud computing?
The platforms that are used for large scale cloud computing are
a)      Apache Hadoop
b)      MapReduce
Explain different models for deployment in cloud computing?
The different deployment models in cloud computing are
a)      Private Cloud
b)      Public Cloud
c)       Community Cloud
d)      Hybrid Cloud

Cloud Computing Services

The three major Cloud Computing Offerings are
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Different business use some or all of these components according to their requirement.
 Cloud Computing for Beginners
 The main enabling technology for Cloud Computing is Virtualization. Virtualization is a partitioning of single physical server into multiple logical servers.

Virtualization is mainly used for three main purposes 1) Network Virtualization 2) Server Virtualization  3) Storage Virtualization.


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