Saturday 22 July 2017


    Why JVM is not a platform independent?
    The JVM is not written in Java and hence cannot be platform independent. The JVM must be platform dependent to allow your Java to run on the specific platform. A JVM for Windows will translate your Java into different system calls than a JVM for OS X
    Why Java is more secure?
    JVM is an interpreter which is installed in each client machine that is updated with latest security updates by internet . When this byte codes are executed , the JVM can take care of the security. So, java is said to be more secure than other programming languages.
  • What do you mean by bytecode in Java?
    Programming code that, once compiled, is run through a virtual machine instead of the computer s processor. Bytecode is the compiled format for Java programs. Once a Java program has been converted to bytecode, it can be transferred across a network and executed by Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
  • Why Java is a robust language?
    Java is Robust because it is highly supported language. It is portable across many Operating systems. Java also has feature of Automatic memory management and garbage collection. Strong type checking mechanism of Java also helps in making Java Robust.
      Who generates bytecode in Java?
    JVM runs the bytecode, Java compiler generates it. However, applications can generate the bytecode while they run, but the generated bytecode is again executed by the JVM.  

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