Tuesday 11 July 2017


Layer 2 VPN over MPLS Overview (VPLS and VPWS)
Layer 2 virtual private networking (VPN) services over MPLS include Virtual Private LAN Services (VPLS) and Virtual Private Wire Services (VPWS).
These services enable Layer 2 VPN service offerings in a simple manner that is easy to deploy and operate. Layer-2 VPN services, based on a combination of Ethernet and MPLS/IP technologies, are designed to enable service providers to offer Business Ethernet private line services. These services use a simple Layer 2 interface at the customer edge and benefit from the resilience and scalability of an MPLS/IP core.
VPLS provides a virtual LAN between multiple locations. VPWS provides a virtual dedicated line between only two locations.
 VPWS-based services are point-to-point (for example, Frame-Relay/ATM/Ethernet services over IP/MPLS).
 An example of a VPLS-based service is an Ethernet multipoint service.
Pseudowire ( sometimes spelled as "pseudo wire" or abbreviated as PW) is a mechanism for emulating various networking or telecommunications services across packet-switched networks that use Ethernet, IP, or MPLS. Services emulated can include T1 leased line, frame relay, Ethernet, ATM, TDM, or SONET/SDH.
Pseudowires can be used to deliver two types of services to end users: virtual private wire service (VPWS) and virtual  private LAN service (VPLS).  With VPWS, the provider delivers the virtual equivalent of a leased line, where the customer is responsible for managing the IP routing.


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