Thursday 12 October 2017

Linux FileSystem

command to view all the kernel parameters?
sysctl -a
command to view all the mounted partitions on the system?

Difference between .bashrc and .bash_profile

Every time you login to a Linux (Red Hat) machine .bash_profile file is executed
In case you are already logged in and you open a new terminal then .bashrc file is executed

So, basically you can put the environment variable inside any of the two files. As per me I would advice you to put the same inside .bash_profile.command to view all the variables in your system?
command is used to check filesystem usage in a system?
command is used to mount file system read only.
 mount –r
Which signal is sent by the command “kill -9 ” ?

How Do You Make Permanent Changes To Any File Inside /proc Directory?

sysctl -p

Command To View All The Available Partitions On The System?

fdisk -l
How To Create A Filesystem?
The mkfs command is used to create the filesystem.
  • mkfs.ext2 / mkfs.ext3>To create ext2/ext3 filesystem
  • mkfs.minix> minix filesystem
  • mkfs.msdos> MS-DOS filesystem

Why to use NFS ?
Ans: A Network File System (NFS) allows remote machine to mount file systems over a network and interact with those file systems as though they are mounted locally. This enables system administrators to consolidate resources onto centralized servers over the network.

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