Monday 23 October 2017

Produce and consume the problem

The Producer-Consumer issue is a Classic Synchronisation Problem
This problem focuses primarily on two different tasks: Producer and Consumer. Both of them share a fixed size and a common buffer.
Implement Producer Consumer Problem in C Programming Language

  • The producer creates data and puts it into the buffer and restarts it.
  • The consumer consumes the data. In other words, the consumer removes the data from the buffer that the producer has created.
The producer and consumer problem are to ensure that the producer should not create data into the buffer memory once it gets full and simultaneously, the consumer should not remove data from a buffer memory that is empty.
The Producer-Consumer problem can be resolved by placing a semaphore in the buffer.
#define Buffer_Limit 10
int Buffer_Index_Value = 0;
char *Buffer_Queue;
pthread_mutex_t mutex_variable = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t Buffer_Queue_Not_Full = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t Buffer_Queue_Not_Empty = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
void *Consumer()
            if(Buffer_Index_Value == -1)
                  pthread_cond_wait(&Buffer_Queue_Not_Empty, &mutex_variable);
            printf("Consumer:%d\t", Buffer_Index_Value--);        
void *Producer()
            if(Buffer_Index_Value == Buffer_Limit)
                  pthread_cond_wait(&Buffer_Queue_Not_Full, &mutex_variable);
            Buffer_Queue[Buffer_Index_Value++] = '@';
            printf("Producer:%d\t", Buffer_Index_Value);
int main()
      pthread_t producer_thread_id, consumer_thread_id;
      Buffer_Queue = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * Buffer_Limit);            
      pthread_create(&producer_thread_id, NULL, Producer, NULL);
      pthread_create(&consumer_thread_id, NULL, Consumer, NULL);
      pthread_join(producer_thread_id, NULL);
      pthread_join(consumer_thread_id, NULL);
      return 0;

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