Saturday 21 October 2017

State machienes

There are two common approaches for implementing an event based state machine.
  1. Using conditional statements
  2. Using lookup table

Using conditional statements
This is a very simple approach. A switch-case statement or if-else statement is used to check each state. Within each state, another conditional statement is added to check the event triggered. A handler is then added for that state/event combination. Alternatively, we could swap the order and check the event first and then the state. If there is a state change involved, the handler returns the new state.
A sample implementation for the state machine is shown below.

Table based approach
In this approach, the state machine is coded in a table with one dimension as states and the other as events. Each element in the table has the handler for the state/event combination. The table could be implemented in C using a two-dimensional array of function pointers.
An example implementation for the coffee vending machine is shown below.

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