Friday 29 June 2018


  • MB file transferred across network with 56Kbps capacity will require 12 minutes:
5x106 bytes * 8 bits/byte
60 secs/minute * 56x103 bits/second
= 11.9 minutes
  • All other computers will be forced to wait 12 minutes before initiating other transfers
  • If file is broken into packets, other computers must only wait until packet (not entire file) has been sent
  • From previous example, suppose file is broken into 1000 byte packets
  • Each packet takes less than .2 seconds to transmit:
1000 bytes * 8 bits/byte
56x103 bits/second
= .143 seconds
  • Other computer must only wait .143 seconds before beginning to transmit.
  • Dividing data into small packets allows time-division multiplexing
  • Each packet leaves the source and is switched onto the shared communication channel through a multiplexor
  • At the destination, the packet is switched through a demultiplexor to the destination

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