Thursday 12 July 2018


I2C Addresses

Basic I2C communication is using transfers of 8 bits or bytes. Each I2C slave device has a 7-bit address that needs to be unique on the bus. 
7-bit address represents bits 7 to 1 while bit 0 is used to signal reading from or writing to the device. If bit 0 (in the address byte) is set to 1 then the master device will read from the slave I2C device.

Master device needs no address since it generates the clock (via SCL) and addresses individual I2C slave devices.

I2C Protocol

i2c protocol
In normal state both lines (SCL and SDA) are high. The communication is initiated by the master device. It generates the Start condition (S) followed by the address of the slave device (B1). If the bit 0 of the address byte was set to 0 the master device will write to the slave device . Otherwise, the next byte will be read from the slave device. Once all bytes are read or written (Bn) the master device generates Stop condition (P). This signals to other devices on the bus that the communication has ended and another device may use the bus.
Most I2C devices support repeated start condition. This means that before the communication ends with a stop condition, master device can repeat start condition with address byte.

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