Friday 6 July 2018

Map vs Unordererd_map

                | map             | unordered_map
Ordering        | increasing  order   | no ordering
                | (by default)        |

Implementation  | Self balancing BST  | Hash Table

search time     | log(n)              | O(1) -> Average 
                |                     | O(n) -> Worst Case

Insertion time  | log(n) + Rebalance  | Same as search
Deletion time   | log(n) + Rebalance  | Same as search
Use std::map when
  • You need ordered data.
  • You would have to print/access the data (in sorted order).
  • You need predecessor/successor of elements.
// CPP program to demonstrate use of std::map
int main()
    // Ordered map
    std::map<int, int> order;
    // Mapping values to keys
    order[5] = 10;
    order[3] = 5;
    order[20] = 100;
    order[1] = 1;
    // Iterating the map and printing ordered values
    for (auto i = order.begin(); i != order.end(); i++) {
        std::cout << i->first << " : " << i->second << '\n';
Output :
1 : 1
3 : 5
5 : 10
20 : 100

Use std::unordered_map when
  • You need to keep count of some data (Example – strings) and no ordering is required.
  • You need single element access i.e. no traversal.
// CPP program to demonstrate use of
// std::unordered_map
int main()
    // Unordered map
    std::unordered_map<int, int> order;
    // Mapping values to keys
    order[5] = 10;
    order[3] = 5;
    order[20] = 100;
    order[1] = 1;

      order[3] = 15;
    // Iterating the map and printing unordered values
    for (auto i = order.begin(); i != order.end(); i++) {
        std::cout << i->first << " : " << i->second << '\n';
Output :
1 : 1
3 : 15
20 : 100
5 : 10

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