Monday 6 August 2018

Depedency UML

 a dependency is displayed in the diagram editor as a dashed line with an open arrow that points from the client to the supplier.
Two classes are connected by a dashed line with an open arrow

SearchController depends on (requires) SiteSearch interface.
Class SearchController depends on (requires) SiteSearch interface.
In this case, the dependency is an instantiate dependency, where the Car class is an instance of the CarFactory class."
UML spec inferior example: Car class has an instantiate dependency on the CarFactory class.
Wrong: Car class has a dependency on the CarFactory class.
Right: CarFactory class depends on the Car class.
Web Shopping package uses (depends on) Payment package.
Web Shopping package uses (depends on) Payment package.
Create is a usage dependency denoting that the client classifier creates instances of the supplier classifier. It is denoted with the standard stereotype «create».
Client classifier creates instances of the supplier classifier.
Class DataSource creates Connection.
that conceptually means that the two components are linked to each other.
This association is represented by the following symbol in UML:


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