Thursday 25 August 2016


Wind River’s VxWorks® is the most  widely deployed real-time operating system (RTOS) in the embedded device market.

VxWorks supports application development exclusively in kernel (or “supervisor”) mode. Executing in a flat, non-protected memory space enables applications to obtain the utmost performance, determinism, and application flexibility.

In Unix or Linux , a process has its own memory locations by means of virtual   memory
In VxWorks, when a task accesses the text, data segments of a module , it accesses the same physical memory locations as any other task using the same code. All tasks reside in a common address space.
         Makes inter-task communication fast and easy.
         Makes context switch faster .

Round Robin scheduling
Priority based pre-emptive scheduling   (default )

3 basic routines :
 - taskActivate()
- taskInit()
- taskSpawn()

taskSuspend( )...Suspend a task.
taskResume( )...Resume a task.
taskDelay( )...Delay a task; delay units are ticks.
taskInfoGet( )....Get information about a task

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