What is RISC?
A reduced instruction set computer is a computer which only uses simple commands that can be divided into several instructions which achieve low-level operation within a single CLK cycle, as its name proposes “Reduced Instruction Set”.
What is CISC?
A complex instruction set computer is a computer where single instructions can perform numerous low-level operations like a load from memory, an arithmetic operation, and a memory store or are accomplished by multi-step processes or addressing modes in single instructions, as its name proposes “Complex Instruction Set ”.
1. RISC stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computer. | 1. CISC stands for Complex Instruction Set Computer. |
2. RISC processors have simple instructions taking about one clock cycle. The average clock cycle per instruction (CPI) is 1.5 | 2. CSIC processor has complex instructions that take up multiple clocks for execution. The average clock cycle per instruction (CPI) is in the range of 2 and 15. |
3. Performance is optimized with more focus on software | 3. Performance is optimized with more focus on hardware. |
4. RISC processors are highly pipelined | 4. They are normally not pipelined or less pipelined |
5. Execution time is very less | 5. Execution time is very high |
6. Decoding of instructions is simple. | 6. Decoding of instructions is complex |
7. It does not require external memory for calculations | 7. It requires external memory for calculations |
8. The most common RISC microprocessors are Alpha, ARC, ARM, AVR, MIPS, PA-RISC, PIC, Power Architecture, and SPARC. | 8. Examples of CISC processors are the System/360, VAX, PDP-11, Motorola 68000 family, AMD and Intel x86 CPUs. |
9. RISC architecture is used in high-end applications such as video processing, telecommunications and image processing. | 9. CISC architecture is used in low-end applications such as security systems, home automation, etc. |
ARM Cortex M4:(ARMv7)
Thumb instruction set combines high code density with 32-bit performance
fast code execution permits slower processor clock or increases sleep mode time.
deterministic, high-performance interrupt handling for time-critical applications.
Thumb instruction set combines high code density with 32-bit performance
fast code execution permits slower processor clock or increases sleep mode time.
deterministic, high-performance interrupt handling for time-critical applications.
- optional Memory Protection Unit (MPU) for safety-critical applications
- extensive implementation-defined debug and trace capabilities:
Pipeline: 3-stage + branch speculation
Interrupts | Non-maskable Interrupt (NMI+ 1 to 240 physical interrupts |
Interrupt Priority Levels | 8 to 256 priority levels |
Floating-Point Unit | Optional single precision floating point unit IEEE 754 compliant |
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